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(WS-Resources and The Implied Resource Pattern)
(More Port-Type Interfaces)
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Just notice the following:
Just notice the following:
[[Image:blue.jpg ]] We use the <code>EndpointReferenceType</code> type to describe endpoint references of WS-Resources. This type is defined by the [http://www.w3.org/Submission/ws-addressing WS-Addressing] standard to describe endpoint references, qualified or not, and we need to  import its definition from a file that ships with gCore (<code>WS-Addressing.xsd</code>). Note in particular the <code>import</code> directive and how it is resolved relatively to the location of the interface ''after'' service deployment ([[The_Development_Cycle#Building & Deploying the Service|remember?]]).
[[Image:blue.jpg ]] We use the <code>EndpointReferenceType</code> type to describe endpoint references of WS-Resources. This type is defined by the [http://www.w3.org/Submission/ws-addressing WS-Addressing] standard to describe endpoint references (qualified or not), and we need to  import its definition from a file that ships with gCore (<code>WS-Addressing.xsd</code>); note in particular the <code>import</code> directive and how it is resolved relatively to the location of the interface ''after'' service deployment ([[The_Development_Cycle#Building & Deploying the Service|remember?]]).
[[Image:blue.jpg ]] At this stage, there is little point to look into the schema definition of this type, for gCore will offer Java objects to model and serialise qualified endpoint reference in accordance with the definition. For the time being, we just notice that the stateful resource identifiers that qualifies the endpoint reference of the port-type is serialised as an namespaced XML document with an arbitrary payload. In jargon, we speak of this element as the ''key'' of the stateful resource. In gCF, in particular, the payload of resource keys is always a plain string, such as the 'name' of clients we expect to use in the design of our <code>Sample</code> service.

Revision as of 00:41, 21 April 2009

Adding State

The service we defined in the first part of this tutorial was stateless: its responses to client requests depended solely on the requests. This is all well, but in practice services may need to maintain some form of state that pre-exists, persists, and - most importantly - changes as a result of client invocations. Many gCube services are indeed stateful.

In this second part of the tutorial we will learn how to add state to our SampleService. In the spirit of a dumb service, the idea is to keep track of the number of visits of any client that has previously 'logged on' with the service. The identity of logged clients and the number of their subsequent visits will then form the state of our augmented SampleService. In particular, we will add two new port-types:

  • a Factory port-type that allows clients to log on and thus creates state within the service . In particular, we plan a single operation logon() for this port-type.
  • a Stateful port-type that allows clients to visit the service and thus consults and updates the state of the the service. In particular, we plan a single operation aboutSF() for this port-type.

(It will be soon clear why we prefer two port-types with a single operation each rather than a single port-type with two operations.)

For both port-types, we need to repeat the steps already shown for the Stateless port-type: add the port-types descriptions to the service profile, define the WSDL interface of each port-type, and provide the Java implementation of the two port-types. Additional steps will then be required for state management.

WS-Resources and The Implied Resource Pattern

The overall state of our SampleService will be comprised of many 'pieces', one per client that logs on and then visits. We refer to these pieces somewhat more technically as stateful resources.

How should we go about creating and accessing stateful resources? One approach could be as follows:

  • take some credentials from clients when they invoke the logon() operation on the Factory port-type. A simple name would surely do for our purposes.
  • create stateful resources as Java objects that contain the count of client visits, and identify such resources with the name of the associated client.
  • when a client comes back to visit the service and invokes the aboutSF() operation on the Stateful port-type, ask it to provide his name so that we can identify the corresponding stateful resource and update the count of its visits.

In this approach, clients need to explicitly identify the state they wish to target. Unfortunately, identifiers are service-specific: here we need a name, elsewhere we may need something else. The use that we make of identifiers is also specific: here we hinted at one parameter in the aboutSF() operation, elsewhere could be two or three parameters in one or more operations. This variability makes it impossible to build generic clients that can transparently access state across different services.

You may find this observation rather strange: what could a client do that does not require specific knowledge of the target service? Well, it turns out that if we find a general way to access stateful resources, then we can build enough conventions on how we describe them to enable a range of very useful and yet generic clients. For example, we can define clients that can query and change the stateful resources of any service that complies with the conventions. We can define clients that can uniformly destroy stateful resources, either immediately or based or some renewable expiry time. We can even define clients that allow others to subscribe for changes to the stateful resources. These are all key features in gCube, and we shall be directly concerned with some of them in this very Primer.

What we need to promote generic clients is then:

  • a uniform pattern to identify and access stateful resources which does not change from service to service.
  • a standard that codifies this pattern and builds useful conventions on top of it.

The Web Services Resource Framework (WSRF) is precisely one such standard, and gCube adopts it. When it comes to identifying and accessing stateful resources, WSRF says: forget passing identifiers explicitly in operations such as aboutSF(), which vary from port-type to port-type and from service to service; let us pass them instead implicitly, as part of the address of the port-type that exposes those operations. An invocation of aboutSF() would thus be addressed to the Stateful port-type, but the address would include also the identifier of the stateful resource that is the target of the request. The port-type implementation would then extract such identifier and use it to locally access the stateful resource. No need to explicitly parameterise aboutSF() with it. This is the access pattern that WSRF calls the implied resource pattern.

If you think about it, this annotated address - or more appropriately, this qualified endpoint reference - identifies a pair (port-type,stateful resource). This pairs WSRF calls a WS-Resource. We can then think of the qualified endpoint reference as the endpoint reference of the WS-resource itself. Similarly, we can think of the operations available at that endpoint as the operations of the WS-Resource. In this sense, the port-type becomes the uniform interface of potentially many WS-Resources.

With the implied resource pattern and the corresponding terminology, we can now describe our new port-types as follows:

  • a Factory port-type that allows users to create WS-Resources. In particular, we plan a single operation for this port-type, logon(), which takes the name of the client and returns the endpoint reference of a WS-Resource 'dedicated' to the client.
  • a Stateful port-type that defines the interface of the WS-Resources. We plan a single operation for this port-type too, aboutSF(), which takes nothing and returns nothing but it is invoked with the endpoint reference of WS-Resources.

A client may then invoke logon() on the Factory port-type and then use the resulting WS-Resource endpoint reference to invoke aboutSF() on it. As we shall see, a client may also discover and use the endpoint of a WS-Resource of interest without having previously created. A couple of things to notice:

Blue.jpg The client does not need to know about the stateful resource identifier embedded in the endpoint reference returned by the Factory, or otherwise 'found'. The endpoint reference identifies a WS-Resource but the inner structure of this WS-Resource as a pair (port-type,stateful resource) remains opaque to the client.

Blue.jpg Placing logon() and aboutSF() in different port-types makes sense. The first creates WS-Resources while the second defines their operations. Informally, we say that the Factory is, like Stateless, a stateless port-type for it does not serve as the interface of WS-Resources. For the opposite reason, we say that Stateful is a stateful port-type.

Extending the Profile

We now enrich the service profile to reflect the existence of two new port-types.

<Resource xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
		<Description>A very simple gCube Service</Description>
				<Description>Describes port-types</Description>
						<Scope level="GHN"/>
				<Description>Describes port-type stubs</Description>

Not much to comment about here, we just added two new PortType elements in the description of the Main package.

More Port-Type Interfaces

The WSDL that describes the interface of the Factory port-type holds few surprises at this stage:

<definitions name="Factory"
    xmlns:wsa="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/03/addressing" >
    <import namespace="http://gcube-system.org/namespaces/common/core/faults" location="../gcube/common/core/faults/GCUBEFaults.wsdl"/>
	<xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://acme.org/sample">

		<xsd:import namespace="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/03/addressing"  schemaLocation="../ws/addressing/WS-Addressing.xsd" />

  		<xsd:element name="logon" type="xsd:string" />		
		<xsd:element name="logonResponse" type="wsa:EndpointReferenceType"/>


	<message name="logonInputMessage">
		<part name="request" element="tns:logon"/>
	<message name="logonOutputMessage">
		<part name="response" element="tns:logonResponse"/>

	<portType name="FactoryPortType">
		<operation name="logon">
			<input message="tns:logonInputMessage"/>
			<output message="tns:logonOutputMessage"/>
			<fault name="fault" message="corefaults:GCUBEFaultMessage"></fault>
			<fault name="fault" message="corefaults:GCUBEUnrecoverableFaultMessage"></fault>


Just notice the following:

Blue.jpg We use the EndpointReferenceType type to describe endpoint references of WS-Resources. This type is defined by the WS-Addressing standard to describe endpoint references (qualified or not), and we need to import its definition from a file that ships with gCore (WS-Addressing.xsd); note in particular the import directive and how it is resolved relatively to the location of the interface after service deployment (remember?).

Blue.jpg At this stage, there is little point to look into the schema definition of this type, for gCore will offer Java objects to model and serialise qualified endpoint reference in accordance with the definition. For the time being, we just notice that the stateful resource identifiers that qualifies the endpoint reference of the port-type is serialised as an namespaced XML document with an arbitrary payload. In jargon, we speak of this element as the key of the stateful resource. In gCF, in particular, the payload of resource keys is always a plain string, such as the 'name' of clients we expect to use in the design of our Sample service.

The WSDL for the Stateful port-type is also straightforward:

<definitions name="Stateful"
    <import namespace="http://gcube-system.org/namespaces/common/core/faults" location="../gcube/common/core/faults/GCUBEFaults.wsdl"/>
	<xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://acme.org/sample">    	
             <xsd:import namespace="http://gcube-system.org/namespaces/common/core/types" schemaLocation="../gcube/common/core/types/GCUBETypes.xsd"/>
  	     <xsd:element name="aboutSF" type="coretypes:VOID" />
	     <xsd:element name="aboutSFResponse" type="xsd:string" />				        

	<message name="aboutSFInputMessage">
		<part name="request" element="tns:aboutSF"/>
	<message name="aboutSFOutputMessage">
		<part name="response" element="tns:aboutSFResponse"/>

	<portType name="StatefulPortType">        
		<operation name="aboutSF">
			<input message="tns:aboutSFInputMessage"/>
			<output message="tns:aboutSFOutputMessage"/>
			<fault name="fault" message="corefaults:GCUBEFaultMessage"></fault>


Just notice the following:

Blue.jpg The operation aboutSF() takes an instance of type VOID as a way to say that it takes nothing of interest. In particular, notice how the operation does not need any explicit information to identify the stateful resource that corresponds to the requesting client; as discussed earlier the identifier will be implicitly carried by the request, in accordance with the implied resource access pattern. As to the type VOID, this is imported from a schema document that ships with gCore (GCUBETypes.xsd), again relatively to the location of the interface after service deployment. The schema defines VOID and other common types, for your convenience and to promote uniform conventions in gCube.

Now store the new interfaces in the schema folder under the service location. Remember that file names and port-types must coincide:


Home Sweet Home

According to our plans, the Factory<code> port-type will create WS-Resources and the <code>Stateful port-type will find them, use them, and change them. Since WS-Resources must be accessed by multiple port-types, it makes sense to identify a separate object that manages resources and synchronises concurrent access to them. In gCF, WS resource managers are called homes'

Delving into the implementation

The implementation of the stateful part of the SampleService is a bit more complex than the stateless implementation and requires to code:

  1. the stateful context,
  2. the stateful resource,
  3. the resource home,
  4. and the two new port-types.

All the new classes implemented in this part will be placed in the new org.acme.sample.stateful package.

Important note: since we are leaving the stateless port-type as part of our example, we do not need to extend again the GCUBEStartupPortType (in charge of the initialisation of the GCUBEServiceContext) in one of the two new port-types. Instead, if we would start from scratch a complete stateful service, it is mandatory that one port-type extends the GCUBEStartupPortType (ideally, the Factory port-type, but it's up to developer.

The Stateful Context

We begin by implementing the Stateful Context. This context models the configuration of the acme/sample/stateful port-type. It transparently adds a lot of facilities to access the statefulness of the port-type.

package org.acme.sample.stateful;

import org.acme.sample.ServiceContext;
import org.gcube.common.core.contexts.GCUBEServiceContext;
import org.gcube.common.core.contexts.GCUBEStatefulPortTypeContext;

public class StatefulContext extends GCUBEStatefulPortTypeContext {

    public static String FREQUENT_USER_LIMIT_JNDI_NAME = "frequentUserLimit";
    private static GCUBEStatefulPortTypeContext cache = new StatefulContext();
    public String getJNDIName() {return "acme/sample/stateful";}

    public String getNamespace() {return "http://acme.org/sample";}

    public GCUBEServiceContext getServiceContext() {
	return ServiceContext.getContext();

    public static GCUBEStatefulPortTypeContext getPortTypeContext() {
	return cache;


  • the class extends the GCUBEStatefulPortTypeContext
  • the class adopts the singleton pattern as suggested for any context
  • the getJNDIName() method returns the JNDI name of the port-type
  • the getServiceContext() method connects the port-type to the service context
  • the getNamespace() method returns the namespace of the port-type as defined in the WSDL interface

The Resource

The Resource class is the core of the statefulness. It models the state of a port-type and the way in which it can be accessed and modified. Our Resource will maintain the state in 2 properties:

  • the name of the user
  • a counter about how many times it accesses the resource
package org.acme.sample.stateful;

import org.gcube.common.core.state.GCUBEWSResource;
import org.globus.wsrf.ResourceException;

public class Resource extends GCUBEWSResource {

    protected static final String RP_NAME = "Name";
    protected static final String RP_VISITS = "Visits";
    protected static String[] RPNames = { RP_NAME, RP_VISITS };

    protected void initialise(Object... args) throws ResourceException {
	if (args.length!=1) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
	try {
		String name = (String) args[0];
	catch (Exception e) {
		throw new ResourceException(e);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public String[] getPropertyNames() {
	return RPNames;

     * Returns the name of the RP stored on this Resource.
     * @return the name.
    public String getName() {
	return (String) this.getResourcePropertySet().get(RP_NAME).get(0);

     *  Returns the number of visits for the user
     * @return
    public Integer getVisits() {
	return (Integer) this.getResourcePropertySet().get(RP_VISITS).get(0);

     * Sets the name of the property.
     * @throws Exception
    protected synchronized void setName(String name) throws Exception {


     * Sets the name of the property.
     * @throws Exception
    protected synchronized void setVisits(Integer visits) throws Exception {


  • the class overrides the initialise() method to perform a custom initialisation of the properties
  • the two properties are not maintained as private members of the class, they are transparently managed by the superclass in a GCUBEWSResourcePropertySet instance. In order to do that the class:
    1. declares the name of the two properties
    2. overrides the getPropertyNames() method to return the property names
  • the getters and setters implementation of the properties reflects the GCUBEWSResourcePropertySet management of such properties

The Resource Home

The implementation of the Resource Home is very simple, since most of the work is performed by the superclass behind the scene. All it is needed is to override a method to connect the Home to the port-type context.

package org.acme.sample.stateful;

import org.gcube.common.core.contexts.GCUBEStatefulPortTypeContext;
import org.gcube.common.core.state.GCUBEWSHome;

public class Home extends GCUBEWSHome {

    public GCUBEStatefulPortTypeContext getPortTypeContext() {	
	return StatefulContext.getPortTypeContext();



  • the class extends the GCUBEWSHome class
  • the getPortTypeContext() method connects the class to the stateful port-type

The Service instance port-type

The Service class provides an implementation of the Service instance port-type defined in the WSDL interface.

package org.acme.sample.stateful;

import org.acme.sample.ServiceContext;
import org.gcube.common.core.contexts.GCUBEStatefulPortTypeContext;
import org.gcube.common.core.contexts.GHNContext;
import org.gcube.common.core.faults.GCUBEFault;
import org.gcube.common.core.faults.GCUBEUnrecoverableException;
import org.gcube.common.core.types.VOID;
import org.globus.wsrf.ResourceException;

public class Service {

    public String aboutSF(VOID voidType) throws GCUBEFault {
	StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
	GHNContext nctx = GHNContext.getContext();
	ServiceContext sctx = ServiceContext.getContext();
	GCUBEStatefulPortTypeContext pctx = StatefulContext.getPortTypeContext();

	try {
		    final Resource resource = this.getResource();
		    resource.setVisits(resource.getVisits() + 1);
		    output.append("Hello " + resource.getName()).append(", you have invoked porttype ").
		    	append(pctx.getName() + " \nof service " + sctx.getName()).
		    	append(", \nwhich you found at ").
		    	append(pctx.getEPR() + "in the gCube infrastructure " + nctx.getGHN().getInfrastructure()).	    
		    	append( " \nand you are in the Scope " + sctx.getScope()).
			append(" \nThis is your invocation N." + resource.getVisits() + "\n");
		    if (resource.getVisits() >= (Integer)pctx.getProperty(StatefulContext.FREQUENT_USER_LIMIT_JNDI_NAME, true)) {
		    	output.append("welcome in the frequent user club!");
		} catch (Exception e) {
			throw new GCUBEUnrecoverableException(e).toFault();
		return output.toString();

     * @return the stateful resource
     * @throws ResourceException if no resource was found in the current context
    private Resource getResource() throws ResourceException {
	return (Resource) StatefulContext.getPortTypeContext().getWSHome().find();


  • the class implements the aboutSF operation in the aboutSF() method
  • the method retrieves various contexts to use when producing the output string
  • the most interesting part of the class is the getResource() method demonstrating the way to access from the stateful context the actual Resource instance

The Factory port-type

The Factory class provides an implementation of the Factory port-type defined in the WSDL interface.

package org.acme.sample.stateful;

import org.apache.axis.message.addressing.EndpointReferenceType;
import org.gcube.common.core.contexts.GCUBEStatefulPortTypeContext;
import org.gcube.common.core.faults.GCUBEFault;
import org.gcube.common.core.faults.GCUBEUnrecoverableException;

public class Factory {    
    public EndpointReferenceType logon(String name) throws GCUBEFault {		
	//create/reuse the resource
	try {
		GCUBEStatefulPortTypeContext ptcxt = StatefulContext.getPortTypeContext();
		return ptcxt.getWSHome().create(ptcxt.makeKey(name), name).getEPR();
	} catch (Exception e) {	   
	    throw new GCUBEUnrecoverableException(e).toFault();


  • the class implements the logon operation in the logon method
  • the method retrieves the Stateful context and from it retrieves also the Home instance
  • by invoking the create method, the stateful resource is created with the given key (first input parameter) and with the given list of parameters (only the name variable here). The list is then passed to the initialise() method of the Resource instance
  • the makeKey() method of the StatefulContext instance creates a new GCUBEWSResourceKey
  • the getEPR() method of the Resource instance return the EndPointReference to use to access the new state from clients

Service folder tree after the implementation

All the java files described has to be placed in the src/org/acme/sample/stateful folder under the service location:


JNDI configuration

The deploy-jndi-config.xml file must be updated in order to add the configuration of the stateful port-type. The stateful configuration has to declare the "home" resource that instructs gCore about how to create a new stateful resource. This configuration is automatically loaded by the gCore in the StatefulContext instance from which the configuration can be accessed programmatically.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jndiConfig xmlns="http://wsrf.globus.org/jndi/config">

	<service name="acme/sample">
	 	override="false" />

	<service name="acme/sample/stateful">    
                <resource name="home" type="org.acme.sample.stateful.Home">
	 	override="false" />

The following is worth noticing:

  • the JNDI still included the mandatory service element entirely dedicated to the SampleService as a whole
  • the service element named acme/sample/stateful groups the configuration of our stateful port-type; here it only includes the Home resource and a custom property. In the section How to publish the state we will see other configuration elements to add in this service element allowing to publish the service state
  • the frequentUserLimit environment element shows an example of custom property that can be programmatically read within the service code

Save the new configuration in the file called deploy-jndi-config.xml and place it in the etc folder under the service location:


Building & Deploying

Towards Deployment: the WSDD descriptor

The two new port-types have to be declared in the deployment descriptor as follows.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<deployment name="defaultServerConfig" 

    <service name="acme/sample/stateless" provider="Handler" use="literal" style="document">
        <parameter name="className" value="org.acme.sample.stateless.Stateless"/>
        <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="*"/>
        <parameter name="handlerClass" value="org.globus.axis.providers.RPCProvider"/>
        <parameter name="scope" value="Application"/>
        <parameter name="loadOnStartup" value="true"/>
        <parameter name="securityDescriptor" value="@config.dir@/security_descriptor.xml"/> 
  	<service name="acme/sample/stateful" provider="Handler" use="literal" style="document">
        <parameter name="className" value="org.acme.sample.stateful.Service"/>
        <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="*"/>
        <parameter name="handlerClass" value="org.globus.axis.providers.RPCProvider"/>
        <parameter name="scope" value="Application"/>
        <parameter name="providers" value="GCUBEProvider"/>
        <parameter name="loadOnStartup" value="true"/>
       	<parameter name="securityDescriptor" value="@config.dir@/security_descriptor.xml"/> 
  	<service name="acme/sample/factory" provider="Handler" use="literal" style="document">
        <parameter name="className" value="org.acme.sample.stateful.Factory"/>
        <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="*"/>
        <parameter name="handlerClass" value="org.globus.axis.providers.RPCProvider"/>
        <parameter name="scope" value="Application"/>
        <parameter name="loadOnStartup" value="true"/>
       	<parameter name="securityDescriptor" value="@config.dir@/security_descriptor.xml"/> 

The deploy-server.wsdd file has to be updated with the above content in the etc folder under the service location:


Configuring the build process

The build properties configuration file has now to declare the two new port-types to build.

package = org.acme.sample
lib.dir = Dependencies/SampleService
wsdl.1 = Stateless
wsdl.2 = Stateful
wsdl.3 = Factory

The build.properties file has to be updated with the above content in the etc folder under the service location:


Building the stubs and the service

The building process does not change. The same steps seen in the Stateless part of the tutorial have to be performed for building the stubs and the service.

(Un)Deploying the service

The (un)deploying process does not change. The same steps seen in the Stateless part of the tutorial have to be performed for deploying and undeploying the service.

A Test Client

package org.acme.sample.tests;

import org.acme.sample.stubs.FactoryPortType;
import org.acme.sample.stubs.StatefulPortType;
import org.acme.sample.stubs.service.FactoryServiceAddressingLocator;
import org.acme.sample.stubs.service.StatefulServiceAddressingLocator;
import org.apache.axis.message.addressing.AttributedURI;
import org.apache.axis.message.addressing.EndpointReferenceType;
import org.gcube.common.core.scope.GCUBEScope;
import org.gcube.common.core.types.VOID;
import org.gcube.common.core.utils.logging.GCUBEClientLog;
import org.gcube.common.core.contexts.GCUBERemotePortTypeContext;

public class StatefulTest {
    	static GCUBEClientLog logger = new GCUBEClientLog(StatefulTest.class);
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
	    	logger.debug("Stateful client is running...");	    		    	
	    	EndpointReferenceType factory_endpoint = new EndpointReferenceType();
	    	factory_endpoint.setAddress(new AttributedURI(args[0]));
		FactoryPortType factoryPT = new FactoryServiceAddressingLocator().getFactoryPortTypePort(factory_endpoint);

		//we proxy the factory PT with the desired scope
		factoryPT = GCUBERemotePortTypeContext.getProxy(factoryPT, GCUBEScope.getScope(args[2]));
		EndpointReferenceType service_endpoint = factoryPT.logon(args[1]);				
		StatefulPortType statefulPT = new StatefulServiceAddressingLocator().getStatefulPortTypePort(service_endpoint);

		// then we have to proxy also the stateful PT... 				
		statefulPT = GCUBERemotePortTypeContext.getProxy(statefulPT, GCUBEScope.getScope(args[2]));
		System.out.println(statefulPT.aboutSF(new VOID()));

		//... but only once, if we use it again, there is no need to proxy again for subsequent uses
		System.out.println(statefulPT.aboutSF(new VOID()));

Save the file StatefulTest.java under the src/org/acme/test folder under the service location.

Final structure of the service location

At the end of this section, the service location tree should look as follows:
