Administrator Guide
This Guide covers the installation, configuration, and maintenance of gCore.
Before you Begin
The following software is a prerequisite for the installation of gCore:
- A platform compatible or made compatible with GT requirements.
- J2SE 1.5.08 SDK or greater. Sun's reference implementation is recommended, but versions from IBM, HP, or BEA should work equally well.
- Ant 1.6.5+ to build gCF sources or to develop services with it.
- a SVN client to install gCore from the SVN repository.
- GNU tar to install gCore from archived distributions.
- sudo to execute shell commands with controlled super-user privileges.
- A ntp server to synchronise your clock with other machines' for correct credential validation.
- A static IP address for all but the simplest testing scenarios.
gCore may be installed from a SVN repository, or else from pre-packaged archives. In the first case, installing gCore is tantamount to downloading it into a directory of choice. In the second case, simply expand the downloaded archive into a directory a choice. In either case, your installation directory will look as follows:
Here is the directory structure once the gCore distribution is uncompressed:
gCore LOCATION | |-bin | |-config | |-endorsed | |-etc | |-lib | |-libexec | |-share | |-gcore_tools |-globus_wsrf_common |-globus_wsrf_core |-globus_wsrf_core_registry |-globus_wsrf_msd_userful_rp_schema |-globus_wsrf_test |-globus_wsrf_tools |-licences |-schema
Here is the list of the most significant folders:
- bin contains the commands
- config contains the GHN configuration files
- etc is used to place container and service-specific configurations
- lib contains service & 3rd-party software
- share/gcube_tools contains the gCore build scripts
- share/schema contains service, standard and gCore-specific interfaces
Dealing with Globus
In order to deal with the underlying Globus technology, the following steps are needed:
- export GLOBUS_LOCATION to the gCore LOCATION
- export PATH to gCore bin
- configure ${GLOBUS_LOCATION}/etc/globus_wsrf_core/server-config.wsdd by specifying the hostname as value of the logicalHost parameter
<deployment name="defaultServerConfig" xmlns="" xmlns:java="" xmlns:wsa="http:/ /" xmlns:wsnt="" xmlns:wsrp="http://d" xmlns:xsd=""> <globalConfiguration> <parameter name="logicalHost" value="localhost"/> [...] <globalConfiguration> </deployment>
To test it: start GHN gcore-start-container -nosec (by default on 8080, otherwise start with -p <port>)
GHN Passport
The main configuration file of gCore is $GLOBUS_LOCATION/config/GHNConfig.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <jndiConfig xmlns=""> <global> <environment name="securityenabled" value="true" type="java.lang.Boolean" override="false" /> <environment name="mode" value="development" type="java.lang.String" override="false" /> <environment name="rootVO" value="/gcube" type="java.lang.String" override="false" /> <environment name="defaultVO" value="/gcube/devsec" type="java.lang.String" override="false" /> <environment name="infrastructure" value="development" type="java.lang.String" override="false" /> <environment name="labels" value="GHNLabels.xml" type="java.lang.String" override="false" /> <environment name="rootGHN" value="true" type="java.lang.Boolean" override="false" /> <environment name="GHNtype" value="Dynamic" type="java.lang.String" override="false" /> <environment name="localProxy" value="/home/globus/..." type="java.lang.String" override="false" /> <environment name="coordinates" value="43.719627,10.421626" type="java.lang.String" override="false" /> <environment name="country" value="it" type="java.lang.String" override="false" /> <environment name="location" value="Pisa" type="java.lang.String" override="false" /> <environment name="updateInterval" value="60" type="java.lang.Long" override="false" /> </global> </jndiConfig>